With five roads, three tram lines and an U-Bahn station, there's always plenty of activity here.

Looking towards Eberswalder Strasse Station
The Prater
Approaching the market through the little park, complete with 'Union' bench!
The market with the Zionskirche in the background.
I then walked to Zionskirchplatz, where three horse-drawn carriages came clopping by (I've no idea why), and down Veteranenstrasse, to Volkspark Weinberg - my favourite park at any time of the year. It's a lovely place to sit and read for a while or just take in the view.
Volkspark Weinberg
As I emerged from the park into Weinbergsweg, twilight was approaching. For me this is the best time to be out in the city - I find it so very atmospheric in a winter's dusk.
Ambling back towards home, I paid another visit to the Scandinavian-themed Lucia Weihnachtsmarkt in the Kulturbrauerei. In my opinion this is the most charming of the city's Christmas markets, and it's only a 15-minute walk from home.
The weather was dull but warm and dry - perfect for a stroll across Prenzlauer Berg and into Mitte. I never tire of walking the streets of my beloved city, whether alone or in company, and the route I took today was one of my most tried and trusted favourites. A real Friday classic.